Rock Sessions

I've had a few short sessions out on the rocks recently, making use of some settled weather.


First up a trip to a mark on the north side of The Sheep's Head to fish for conger and huss. Disappointingly after a bit of a walk and climbing down to the rock ledge, I noticed one of the local crabbers had dropped a pot in the exact same spot I usually cast to! I relocated thirty yards or so along the ledge and cast into the unknown, only to find it a bit of a snag pit. I persevered and eventually got out a couple of eels before deciding I'd lost enough kit for the day. This the best, just into double figures ...

Also a two short sessions on the south side looking for pollack. I had a half-dozen or so each trip but no great size yet this year. No doubt the bigger fish will follow later in the year but for now, a couple of three-pounders for our tea ...

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